Richard, Nathalie

Birth Name Richard, Nathalie
Gender female

Relation to the center person (Keller, Raymond Arthur Sr.) : aunt


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Richard, Hypolite9 February 186227 April 1929
Mother Melancon, Madeleine10 March 1897
    Sister     Richard, Sylvie 12 August 1895
         Richard, Nathalie
Father Richard, Hypolite9 February 186227 April 1929
Stepmother Bourque, Margarette
    Half-sister     Richard, Margaret Delina 31 December 1907 10 September 1994
    Half-sister     Richard, Lena
    Half-sister     Richard, Rose
Father Richard, Hypolite9 February 186227 April 1929
Stepmother Leger, Silvia1890
    Half-brother     Richard, Sylvester Joseph
    Half-sister     Richard, May